06 May Interview with the PET-Circle experiment
The KYKLOS4.0 Open Call #1 is funding seven experiments that are developing technological solutions of value for the manufacturing domain.
The project has been releasing a series of interviews over the course of the past weeks with the objective of promoting the work being implemented in these experiments and allowing our readers to understand potential uptake of the solutions being developed by them.
This is the final of the seven interviews with the experiments funded under the open call. Today, we interview the PET-Circle experiment.
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Explain your project in one sentence.
PET Circle aims at developing a real instance of circular value chain around the innovative technology for (virtually infinite) PET recycling developed by gr3n, relying on the digitalisation support provided by KYKLOS4.0.
How is KYKLOS4.0 delivering value to your project?
KYKLOS4.0 gives access to a harmonised set of software modules which have been designed for integration and that can be easily picked up to quickly assemble a final effective solution, with the support of the module suppliers. Within PET Circle, we are using the “Blockchain-based auditing platform” which enables us to ensure the data integrity related to the transactions each PET batch undergoes during the use and recycle process. This is extremely important because it makes the environmental impact labels associated with the whole circular value chain trustworthy, a fundamental aspect for PET and polyester-based products, as big brands companies can guarantee their customer the source of the material used. KYKLOS4.0 is shortening the time to reach such an objective, because it is streamlining the implementation of the digital platform that will be the backbone of this new circular supply chain.
How is your solution contributing to circular manufacturing?
PET Circle is a project built around a completely new PET recycling technology developed by gr3n, which in the next few years could become a reference in the sector. Its main innovation is related to the possibility to return the PET plastic, both from packaging and from textile waste, to its virgin state without degrading its quality, as the current mechanical recycling technologies do. This enables the creation of a real circular PET flow, where the material is recycled a potentially infinite number of times. This objective requires the interaction of different actors from the PET products manufacturers, down to the local waste collection companies and up to the new recycling plants, that must collect and share data to trace the material along its lifecycle insisting on the same digital platform. This is going to become a perfect example of circular manufacturing, showing all the potentialities of the approach.
How will your solution be replicated and used in other manufacturing environments?
From the technological point of view, PET Circle is creating a dedicated platform, designed for the specific industrial sector of the PET value chain. The initial implementation of the supply network will be circumscribed to local actors, but we expect that the number of involved companies will grow incrementally as the recycling technology will become an established standard, creating larger networks. We also expect that the experiment will become a reference successful use case and that the same approach, with a similar digital platform, shall be easily adapted to other material value chains.
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About the PET-Circle project
The PET-Circle project – Polyethylene terephthalate fully-closed physical and digital circular thread – is implemented by two partners: TTS Technology Transfer System Srl (Italy), the coordinator, and GR3N SA (Switzerland).
Summary: The main objective of the project is to develop a real instance of circular value chain around the innovative technology for (virtually infinite) PET recycling developed by gr3n, relying on the digitalisation support provided by KYKLOS4.0.