
External Evaluators for KYKLOS 4.0 Open Call 2

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KYKLOS 4.0 is running its second open call for projects in the domain of digital and circular manufacturing. As such, KYKLOS 4.0 will is looking to establish a pool of experts to support the project in the evaluation of the applications received to this open call.


The external pool of experts established through this expression of interest will consist of individuals with knowledge in the domain of digital and circular manufacturing and the KYKLOS 4.0 service areas addressed in the second open call. Experts will be selected through an open process to ensure independence and transparency in the evaluation of the applications submitted to the open call.

If you are interested in joining the KYKLOS 4.0 pool of experts, we welcome you to apply at:

(Please note that to submit your expression of interest you must have – or create, for free – an F6S account.)

Submit your interest to be an evaluator of the KYKLOS4.0 – Open Call #2 by 30 September 2022 (17h00 CEST).

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for experts in the digital manufacturing domain, with experience in evaluating EU funded projects and knowledge in specific service areas addressed in the KYKLOS 4.0 project and respective open call, including:

  • Personalised product specification
  • Optimisation of Additive Manufacturing design
  • Maintenance optimisation
  • Advanced support for production
  • Resource use monitoring and optimisation

What are the benefits of being an evaluator?

By participating as an evaluator in KYKLOS 4.0, you will have the opportunity to engage with the project and its partners and expand your knowledge on key solutions in the digital manufacturing domain. Other specific benefits include:

  • Learn about innovative solutions in the digital manufacturing domain
  • Participate in the selection of the best solutions
  • Connect with innovative SMEs and other expert evaluators
  • Be reimbursed for participating in the evaluation of applications
  • Be an important part of the KYKLOS 4.0 project and related ecosystem

For additional information about the KYKLOS 4.0 Open Call #2, please visit the open call webpage.

What services are required?

The services to be provided will be done remotely and will involve the assessment of applications submitted to the KYKLOS 4.0 open call. Participation consists in the evaluation of the allocated applications and development of the respective evaluation report, and participation in consensus meetings. Evaluators selected to participate in the evaluation will be required to sign a non-conflict of interest declaration and a contract with the KYKLOS 4.0 project coordinator, before being accepted to participate in the evaluation process.


Evaluators selected will be reimbursed for their time and effort based on the number of applications evaluated (minimum number to be agreed), with each application corresponding to a value of €50, considering 1.5 hours to evaluate the application and write an evaluation report.

If you are interested in joining the KYKLOS 4.0 pool of experts, we welcome you to apply at:

(Please note that to submit your expression of interest you must have – or create, for free – an F6S account.)

Submit your interest to be an evaluator of the KYKLOS4.0 – Open Call #2 by 30 September 2022 (17h00 CEST).

Contract preview

You are welcome to consult a draft template of the contract to be signed at the link below.

Need more information? Feel free to get in touch with your questions to opencalls@kyklos40project.eu and we’ll get back to you shortly!

Important Notice:


Please note that this expression of interest to participate in the KYKLOS 4.0 Open Calls evaluation as an external expert is NOT binding and does NOT represent any commitment to the KYKLOS 4.0 project.


The selection of the experts to support the evaluation of the KYKLOS 4.0 Open Call will be carried out at a later stage as it depends on the number of applications received, their origin, and the sub-domains that they address. The selection will also consider the origin of the experts, their affiliations, their expertise, and the balance between various criteria (e.g., gender, background, affiliation type, age, expertise etc.). Furthermore, the project is obliged to frequently change experts that support in the evaluations of applications.