KYKLOS 4.0 Open Call #2 | Applications open 27 July 2022 | Closing 12 October 2022 (17h00 CEST)
The KYKLOS 4.0 – Open Call #2 is looking for SME-led consortia of up to three entities to carry out manufacturing experiments using the services and technologies from the KYKLOS 4.0 project.
The open call invites proposals for the development of an innovative solution(s) for a manufacturing scenario in which they will have to carry out a pilot experiment in a manufacturing environment. The defined scenario must be addressed by developing a solution that adopts one or more services selected from the KYKLOS 4.0 platform, which should be integrated and validated as part of the defined experiment. Proposed solutions should demonstrate a high innovation potential and be ready to explore commercialisation opportunities by the end of the experiment period.
The KYKLOS 4.0 – Open Call #2 will prioritise the proposals that are able to demonstrate the impact of the KYKLOS 4.0 approach* for a broad set of industrial users. Furthermore, proposals should clearly demonstrate the role of the circular manufacturing and economy within their experiments.
The experiments should be implemented over a period of eight months, divided into three stages: Planning (1 month), Implementation (6 months), and Commercialisation & Business Sustainability (1 month).
* Additional information on the KYKLOS4.0 approach available in the Guidelines for Applicants
* Please note that the access to KYKLOS 4.0 technological components, business support, and visibility & promotion may be subject to change according to each sub-granted projects’ needs and based on consortium decisions.
Awarded sub-granted projects will be provided with technical and business-related mentoring during the three-stage and eight-month project period.
Definition of a detailed work plan to be delivered in the Implementation stage.
KYKLOS 4.0 will support in the definition and integration of technological components in the sub-granted project.
Implementation of the work plan as defined in the Planning stage, development of the proposed solution and pilot experiment.
Technical support to help in the integration and validation of selected KYKLOS 4.0 technological components.
Develop a commercialisation and business sustainability plan to be discussed with potential customers/ investors. Business support to help deliver the commercialisation and business strategy.
The KYKLOS4.0 – Open Call #2 is open to entities active in the digital manufacturing domain, namely technology developers/ integrators and manufacturing entities.
Proposals must be delivered by consortia of 2-3 entities, including at least one SME and an industrial partner. The consortium submitting a proposal must be led by an SME. The lead SME must be a technology developer/ integrator and the industrial partner will serve as host for the pilot experiment for the developed solution to be validated and demonstrated.
The KYKLOS 4.0 – Open Call #2 accepts proposals from entities that are eligible for EC funding under the rules of H2020, as defined in the Guidelines for Applicants.
When developing your project idea, keep in mind some important aspects, which will be the basis of the evaluation process.
Describe the concept and what you aim to achieve; provide feasible objectives aligned with a novel and innovative experiment.
Explain how the proposed solution will have a European impact, industrial relevance and market potential.
Explain the work plan of your project, including activities, KPIs and milestones.
Demonstrate your consortium’s capacity, experience and knowledge, and complementarity.
Provide a clear review of how you’ll make an efficient use of your funding.
Please consult all the open call documentation. Some documents are for reference; other documents must be signed and uploaded together with the proposal.
Download the complete KYKLOS 4.0 – Open Call #2 documentation kit below.
Alternatively, download each document individually:
Are you looking for partners to build a consortium to apply for the KYKLOS4.0 Open Call 2?
Fill in the KYKLOS4.0 Open Call #2 partnering form on the DIGITAL SME website and we’ll get back to you as soon as we find a good match for your consortium.
On 21 September 2022 at 14:00 CEST, KYKLOS 4.0 will hold its second info session on the Open Call #2. Register below and join us to get additional insights on how to apply! A live Q&A will allow you to ask any question you might have.
Watch the video from our first information session (1 September 2022, 14h00 CEST).