22 Jul KYKLOS 4.0: Contributing on defining the fundamental design principles for Data Spaces
KYKLOS 4.0 along with other Data Space experts team up to define for the first time the fundamental design principles to build Data Spaces, across sectors and initiatives.
It has been developed under the coordination and leadership of Task Force 1 lead by International Data Spaces Association of the Horizon 2020 project “OPEN DEI – Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large-Scale Pilots in Digitizing European Industry” with the collaboration of more than 40 data spaces and industrial domain experts representing more than 25 organizations from 13 Horizon 2020 projects and related initiatives.
This is the first approach to define the design principles for data spaces, agreements on the building blocks for a soft infrastructure and governance for Data Spaces.
To download the position paper please click here.